Run - Flipbook

Hello everyone! A run cycle done in Flipbook. I watched Jason Ryan's run cycle and tried something like it.
I have to say, 2D animation is driving me more and more into it. Its hard. Its more difficult. But its more Fun. I wish I would have those proficient skills which really are required for 2d animation. All I could draw are Stick figures or simple ones like this. But that's OK. 2D or 3D, I am glad that I can animate though I am nowhere, not even a tiny speck in this Animation universe, but yeah, I understand it. I have started to know it, feel it, Love it.
Character Animation ROCKS!


medhpranav said...

tat looked good....
i'd love to do sumthin like tat....
i liked the follow thru of the right wrist.

Nilabh said...

Thanks mate!

Mitali P said...

lurve your animation curves hehe