One more crazy step

Yeah I know. The same old thing. ‘I am sorry. I didn’t write for a long time’ and blah blah bla! I think I should kick myself for that but I’ll spare me this once ;-) Hopefully I am feeding my blog just in time, before it dies of starvation.
A lot of things happened.  I don’t know where to start. I left my job as a Character Animator at Fatballoon Animations, Chennai. I am back home. And there were few reasons to leave a good job like that. The major one is, well, even my friends from that studio may not know this ;-), ‘making my own short film’. Yeah you guessed right. I am THAT guy with THOSE dreams. Crazy I know. A risky or a stupid step I know. You better call me and my team here MAD, because that’s what we are.
I can’t reveal too much about the short like who and where and how we are working on it. But I promise you guys, at mid august, we will be launching the website of our short film with some of the Pre production work and the team members. All I can tell you is that we are having so much fun working together on our dream. I don’t care then if it doesn’t fill our tummies for now honestly. This is the time we can do it. This is the time we are doing it.
An old initial rough concept.

Keep up with the calendar as we will be launching the website and the work we are doing. I hope that you’ll enjoy the journey through the entire production of this film with us. Adios!