MERRY belated CHRISTMAS ;-))

This is a Christmas greeting which I STARTED making to send it all across. But I never finished it in time. Even now it is incomplete. the Christmas is gone and now I can't come to finish it off....maybe it will be useful for NEXT CHRISTMAS. ;-)
I feel bad that everyone at my class relied on me and Trusted me to finish this greeting and I didn't do it. I was out of station and I forgot to do it. Then our sir has to do the greeting all by himself in the 11th hour.....I AM SO SORRY FOLKS! time, BELEIVE ME, I will finish it before time.
Tell me how do you like it SO FAR.


snehil said... yar
really awesome... u r very veeerrrryyy telented..
keep working.

Anonymous said...

Yap i m 100% argry with snehil .but still its not look retouchit please.