Had Fun working together again...

As you all know...or maybe nobody knows, but we had a Digital Painting Competition on www.animationconclave.blogspot.com . We friends, my old team, not all of them but most had participated and we all worked together online after so many days. It was fun. everybody was motivated by each other and kept on working, submitting the work before deadlines. No one was in a comfort zone of  " Ah! we are friends,...its OK if I get late" or something like that. Everyone was serious, worked hard and I felt like I am back with my Team. Animation is Team effort. It's a Team Game. And I love working in a Team.
All the final entries are submitted and we are waiting for the results. I hope we'll have something to work on together again. Cheers guys!
Here is my Final Entry for the competition.:-)

1 comment:

Mitali P said...


waiting for the results or waiting for the judge.. hahah