My First Dialogue Shot

        Here it is at last. My first dialogue shot. Its not completed totally, but after the critiques and comments, I will add or remove and its done. I did this shot to test the water. I know it is not good to skip many of the steps and jump on a higher level as DIALOGUE SHOTS, but I couldn't resist. I just gave it a try annndd its done. I will definitely go back to the body mechanics exercises (Pull assignment, planning in the below post).

        Please comment and tell me and let me improve on it. Your comments and suggestions are more than welcome and will help me push myself.

Pull Animation Planning - Classical

        Before going to 3d, I thought of making it in 2d so as to understand it much better. I did the planning and made this in a day on Lightbox and shot it with my own Custom made Line Tester...(I would like to mention that even if it is unnecessary...don't ask me why..I MADE IT!)
         Now I am ready to do it in 3d.

Pull Animation Planning - Classical from Nilabh on Vimeo.

Tell me how you like it.

Comic Con 2009 - San Diego

Well when you see the title, you'd think that I was there. However I would like to give you that impression willfully, but the truth is I WAS NOT THERE. (As you all know very well already)
Why I decided to write is because I feel so jealous. I just wish, if there is any scope left to already due my large list, that I could BE there. This is soooooo amazing!

So many things to do there. Such a huge network, such crazy fans and all the great professionals and our celebrities who are the real creators present there. Almost every big studio is present, Lucas film, dreamworks, Marvel, Disney, Animation mentor (School)....whoooossshhhh! Great!
Read this article by Shawn Kelly and you'll be as excited as I am. So much inspiration there. I was inspired by just reading Shawn's fabulous article. check it out.
Why doesn't it happen here. I can imagine meeting the great crowd where everyone is an animation enthusiast, artist, or a fan. Crazy bunch of people. Some cool seminars, lectures, Panel discussions, and taking autographs from Gods like Glen Keane and Eric Goldberg. So much to learn.
Anifest and CG meet ups do happen here in India, but I never had a chance to go in the Biggies. Next time, I sure will.

I am in the NEWS

Hey I am in the daily prophet!

I know I doesn't look like me, but its really my photo. I've uploaded it on the HP site and used the prophet editor. You can be on it too. check it out.
Gosh I can't stop laughing. But I am in the Headlines...he he!.HA HA ..really funny!

I Move On

Late night, 12:50 am, (morning already), silence with the hum of CPU fan, the cluttered desk and me with pinched eyes. perfect time to write. Just wish for a cup of coffeeeee though. well, hi there folks! as usual, long time.
One more milestone in my career. I have left the place where I used to work. My entire team did. We are out of the Zoo into the Jungle on our own will. I'll not mention why, but it doesn't matter now. I wanted, or rather we wanted to pursue our own dreams, learn some more before we WORK. Develop the skills in which we are in between and push the art further. Its not that this was not happening when we were there, but it was not happening the way we wanted to. Now we are out. Wild. Running wherever. But yes, on the right track.
Do you know that I intent to specialize in Character Animation? Or I was (so called) specializing in it? yeah, wondering huh? I did everything else than that. Of course everything else was great. It made me a better artist. A person who could handle multiple things. I can draw, make concepts, design character, do video editing, design graphic art as posters, web layouts, bookmarks, templates, make presentations, Write, make storyboards, make layouts and etc etc.. many of the fellows at that place didn't even knew what exectly do I do. But the thing is. I WANT TO DO CHARACTER ANIMATION. And I did a little of that. Now, I want to sit in peace, focus on what I want and do it with my entire soul in it. That's my goal. That's my decision. That's my one and only one direction now.

Am I scared? Turned down good paying jobs. Turned down the settled path to the career? No. I am not. None of our team is. Kept a huge supply of confidence with us when we came out. I can smell the essence of wild. I can sense the hunters outside. But we are aware of the sound of the slightest of ruffling leaves.
Sounds creepy the way I write it doesn't it? Ha! That's what happens when I write in the dead of night. Feeling exactly like Harry when he left Vernon's house with Sirius Black lose on the streets. Sitting alone on a bench of Private drive. Possibly the dark lord is there too....